5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

8 Home activities to spend a great time with your kids

With the demands of work, school, and extracurricular activities, it’s easy for family time to take a backseat. However, there’s a simple solution that can help you strengthen your family’s connection and create cherished memories together: engaging in home activities with your kids. Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, there are countless creative, educational, and entertaining activities you can enjoy right in the comfort of your own home. Get ready to explore a variety of home-based activities that will not only keep your kids happily engaged, but also foster valuable moments of togetherness that will last a lifetime.

1. Fun DIY stamps

How to do it:

  • Cut your preferred shapes off a piece of rubber foam
  • Glue a straw to one of the sides of the shape
  • Press it on paint and stamp your preferred surfaces

2. Yummy makeup

How to do it:

  • Heat up the bottom of a spoon
  • Melt a color chocolate bar on the spoon
  • Pour the melted chocolate into an empty lipstick container and let it harden
  • Have fun with your kids, playing with this edible lipstick

3. Stamping shirts

How to do it:

  • Put a white t-shirt on your child
  • Paint your kid’s hands
  • Let them stamp their hand on the shirt

4. Magical geometry

How to do it:

  • Print the shapes on a white paper
  • Put another white sheet on the first one
  • Soak a cotton pad with baby oil
  • Rub the oil over the sheet, so the shapes appear
  • Let your kids practice drawing the shapes

5. Clay scrabble

How to do it:

  • Using hot glue, draw the letters on plastic bottle lids
  • Flatten clay of various colors and have your kids stamp words on the clay, using the letters of the lids

6. Rollercoaster ride at home

How to do it:

  • Play a video of a roller coaster ride on the TV
  • Sit your child inside a plastic basket
  • Move your child in front of the TV, simulating the ride

7. Transparent portrait

How to do it:

  • Take the glass off a picture frame
  • Hols the glass frame in front of your face and have your kid paint a portrait of you

8. Plastic canvas

How to do it:

  • Turn a table upside down
  • Wrap the legs of the table with plastic film
  • Sit your kid inside the table and give them markers to draw on the plastic

Check the video for more amazing ideas to play with your kids

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